Saturday 14 August 2010

Married men!

What is it with married men? WTF there we were having a lovely girly night out catching up on the trials and tribs of the week over a vino or two - watching the band, only to be ogled lasciviously by a Harrylookalikey – the ugly spouse of Charlotte in STC.

My friend clocked the wedding ring and saw him doing a similar thing to some other women - then he took off the ring and slipped it in his pocket with intent to what...? My friend challenged him with, "what the hell do you think you're doing" and he played dumb! It's not even as if he was god's gift. We all find it intensely irritating that married men behave like this. Go home to your wives and children and leave us alone please. Or if you want to play the field - get a D-I-V-O-R-C-E!


empoweredone said...


Unknown said...

yeah empoweredone you got it - men that do that are most definitely losers! Or maybe you condone that behaviour!